Yoga Retreats and Workshops at Sinai Old Spices Picture Show of yoga, sun, eating, teaching, fun, friends ...
Yoga and Fun 2013 Having Fun with friends at Ras Mohamed Nationalpark in Sharm el Sheikh
Tribal Ashtanga Sun Salutation II 2013 Saluting the Sun in the Omkara Yoga School in Sharm el Sheikh
Himalaya Impressions 2012 Dharamsala / Himachal Pradesh
My time at the You & Nature Resort in Kerala 2012 Little paradies in the south of India
Amazing India 2011 Pictures of Kerala, Delhi, Varanasi and Goa
Raja Yoga Sun Salutation Sun Salutation on the beach of Goa
If you like to be a part of it look at the Retreats and find your yoga holiday or email me at info@omkarayoga.ch