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Importance of a regular practice
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Sexuality and Emotions
Ujjay Breath
create your own story
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start leading a healthy life
Emotional stability is a lie
take responsibility for your world
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natural deodorant
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Grow Ginger Indoors
Trust the Universe
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Soothe your Sciatica
Foods effect on temperament
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Ayurvedic Practice for your mouth
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Finding Balance
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Emotional stability is a lie
EMOTIONAL STABILITY IS A LIE - EMOTIONAL MATURITY IS REAL  there's a huge, perceptible difference between emotional STABILITY and emotional MATURITY. and the difference is in the intellectualized idea that emotions can become stable and controllable. they can't. they are always moving and they will always rise and fall according to your inner energetic sensitivities. and it will always be this way as long as you inhabit your body. so looking for your emotions to become stable at any time of your life is the old way that never works.   it's impossible to stabilize your emotions. it's a lie fed to us by those who want to control us.... and the entire old-world death-based psychiatric/big-pharma industrial complex profits when you believe this lie of "emotional stability". it's the dog chasing its tail... it has never worked and it will never work. for anyone. ever.  emotional MATURITY, on the other hand, gives you a completely new perspective on your relationship with your emotional energy. as your emotional energy moves, you learn thru actual experience to allow it move without looking for ways to stop it or control it. fullest-possible energetic movement is energetic maturity.  as you learn to allow your inner flow, you learn to ride your emotional waves instead of fighting against them, wishing they would stop. THEY WILL NEVER STOP SO STOP FIGHTING!   with each successive internal experience, you teach yourself to become a big-wave rider. as the energetic waves naturally mature to become bigger and more powerful, your emotional maturity learning patterns will develop accordingly. and your physiology will follow your learning patterns.  emotional maturity is a life-long process that never stops. it is the in-the-moment intentional act of purposeful body-mind integration and evolution that everyone wants to learn so badly. it requires directed effort as you consciously learn to transform your attention from your judgmental programmed brain to your spiritualized Observer and finally, to your spiritualized Open Heart.  once you learn by experience to process your emotional energy thru your heart, everything in your life changes dramatically. this is the Heart Space hands-on work I do at my Adelaide (Dulwich) clinic, @[145162345547977:274:The House of Healing].  you quickly learn that your imprisoned mental perspective can change according to your willingness to experiment and pay close attention to how you feel each moment. you MUST learn to feel deeply inside yourself. only YOU can do this for yourself... and you can ONLY do this thru personal experience. you will NEVER realize the fullest potential of your emotional maturity process by reading a book or taking a pill. that is one of the lies within the emotional stability lie.   emotional maturity is a serious process that requires real-life interactions with real-life situations that bring up your oldest and scariest imprisoned orphaned energy. this is how we transmute fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, rage and grief. this is how we heal ourselves.   feeling your energy as deeply as possible is your gateway to better health and a better life. it instantly raises your energetic vibration and creates inner peace and silence. this is our science of silence deep shadow work and it works... wonders.  a wave-less (stable) body of water is dead. a flowing river is alive. emotional stability is a lie.  dont chase your tail. learn to ride your wave. this is how dragons have fun. cool


there's a huge, perceptible difference between emotional STABILITY and emotional MATURITY. and the difference is in the intellectualized idea that emotions can become stable and controllable. they can't. they are always moving and they will always rise and fall according to your inner energetic sensitivities. and it will always be this way as long as you inhabit your body.
so looking for your emotions to become stable at any time of your life is the old way that never works.

it's impossible to stabilize your emotions. it's a lie fed to us by those who want to control us.... and the entire old-world death-based psychiatric/big-pharma industrial complex profits when you believe this lie of "emotional stability". it's the dog chasing its tail... it has never worked and it will never work. for anyone. ever.

emotional MATURITY, on the other hand, gives you a completely new perspective on your relationship with your emotional energy. as your emotional energy moves, you learn thru actual experience to allow it move without looking for ways to stop it or control it. fullest-possible energetic movement is energetic maturity.

as you learn to allow your inner flow, you learn to ride your emotional waves instead of fighting against them, wishing they would stop. THEY WILL NEVER STOP SO STOP FIGHTING!

with each successive internal experience, you teach yourself to become a big-wave rider. as the energetic waves naturally mature to become bigger and more powerful, your emotional maturity learning patterns will develop accordingly. and your physiology will follow your learning patterns.

emotional maturity is a life-long process that never stops. it is the in-the-moment intentional act of purposeful body-mind integration and evolution that everyone wants to learn so badly. it requires directed effort as you consciously learn to transform your attention from your judgmental programmed brain to your spiritualized Observer and finally, to your spiritualized Open Heart.

once you learn by experience to process your emotional energy thru your heart, everything in your life changes dramatically. 

you quickly learn that your imprisoned mental perspective can change according to your willingness to experiment and pay close attention to how you feel each moment. you MUST learn to feel deeply inside yourself. only YOU can do this for yourself... and you can ONLY do this thru personal experience. you will NEVER realize the fullest potential of your emotional maturity process by reading a book or taking a pill. that is one of the lies within the emotional stability lie.

emotional maturity is a serious process that requires real-life interactions with real-life situations that bring up your oldest and scariest imprisoned orphaned energy. this is how we transmute fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, rage and grief. this is how we heal ourselves.

feeling your energy as deeply as possible is your gateway to better health and a better life. it instantly raises your energetic vibration and creates inner peace and silence. this is our science of silence deep shadow work and it works... wonders.

a wave-less (stable) body of water is dead.
a flowing river is alive.
emotional stability is a lie.

dont chase your tail.
learn to ride your wave.
thats how dragons have fun.