OMKARA YOGA SCHOOL is located in Sharm el Sheikh, a village in the south of Sinai in Egypt. The Sinai is regarded as the land of peace, nature and spirit where the desert meets the sea. A popular travellers paradies. The Yoga School is well known offering many forms of yoga training such as Classical Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga. Also offering Retreats, Workshops, Yoga in the Desert and courses in Reiki, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Yoga Philosophy, Sound Therapy modalities Ayurvedic Kansa Facemassage or Footmassage and Holistic Healing.
We spezialice in smaller group classes with maximum of 8 students per
course in order to give the students more personal attention.
Yoga will reconnect people and emerge as a mighty world culture and change the course of world events.
Swami Satyananda Saraswat
Body Whisper
When you listen to your bodys whisper you never have to hear it screem! Ask questions, take your life in your hands and let your body help you. My body screemed to me:"CHANGE YOUR LIFE!" And it took me a while until i heard and understood it.Take your time and listen inside you. Take a FREE Assessment
Become a successful and abundant Yogateacher
I am helping Yogateachers pursue their business manyu through the Yoga of Abundance.
Maybe you are feeling .....
Ready to create space for abundance
Ready to grow your business so it truly reflects the passion you have to help other people
Ready to work on your mindset and experience a great change
Ready to turn limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs
Ready to become an authentic successful Yogateacher
Being an abundant Yogateacher does not start and end with attending
a Yogateacher training and receiving a certificate.
100 hour Intensive Yoga Course get in touch
Do you feel emptiness or are you a seeker?
Is it feeling lost or is it just the feeling of "now is the time to learn"?
Do you feel something inside you calling but you cant tell what it is?
Discover a complete new You, train your focus, detox body and mind, create your future and open new perspectives.
Be surprised, what else is possible?
This course is a time of personal growth - next level
Breathing, Meditation, Asana Practice, Cooking Classes, Spiritual Classes, .... full training + certificate