Omkara Yoga School Sharm el Sheikh
Yoga Classes
100 hour intensiv yoga course
Yoga Nidra
Access Bars Treatment
Ayurvedic Detox and Healing Treatment
Ayurvedic Kansa Face Massage
Yoga Retreats
Singing Bowl Cell Tuning
Magic of Stones
Meditations & Visualizations
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Yoga Classes

Yoga Classes for everybody (young, older, stiff, flexible, bigger or smaller.... )

Tribal Yoga is about being body positiv, enjoying and knowing your body just as it is.
Each class will begin with a short introduction and welcome followed by a group tuning in using the Mantra AUM. We then activate our organs and prepare our bodies and our mind for the asana practice through some sets of Sun Salutations and breathing exercises where we internalize our focus, come home to our body.

We provide a safe environment for everybody to experience a yoga asana practise and build a deeper connection with our bodies.

Tribal Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Mysore Style

This class is aimed at students who want a strong physical workout and is divided into 2 parts. To offer maximum benefit to the student incorporates traditional knowledge of yoga and therapeutic aspects of yoga.

The first half hour is intended to help students warm up by using Mysore style Sun Salutations A and B. 
The second part of the class constists of a series of positions to offer a whole workout of the body.

It starts with standing asanas, followed by sitting asanas, backbends and inversions.
The class ends with a relaxation and chanting.

Tribal Hatha Yoga Sivananda Style

This class is suitable for beginners through advanced students. It offers maximum traditional knowledge and integrates therapeutic values. This class consists of 3 parts. The first part of the class is considered to be the yogic warm up and synchronisation of breath and movement to increase stamina. This is achived by numerous repetitions of traditional Sun- and Moon Salutations.

The second part aims to increase flexibility through stretching and aid in muscle toning and development. This is accomplished through a series of arm and leg raises, movements involving twisting, chest and shoulder opening movement, pelvic opening stretches and finally exercises to increase flexibility of the spine.

The third part of the class consists of the Sivananda series of positions to achieve maximum benefit of the yoga asanas.
The class ends with a relaxation and chanting.

A steadfast Hatha practice can be the invitation to refresh our souls and connect our physical lives with breath, mind and body.

Tribal Yin Yoga

Yin yoga comes from the Taoist tradition and focuses on passive, seated postures that target the connective tissues in the hips, pelvis and lower spine and it's also suitable for folks who want to loosen up. 

We start the class with slow stretches of the spine and go on with gentle stretches in seated and lying positions.
We hold the poses for anywhere between one and three minutes. The aim is to increase flexibility and encourage a feeling of release and letting go. It is a wonderful way to learn the basics of meditation and stilling the mind. As such, it is ideal for athletic types who need to release tension in overworked joints, and it is also good for those who need to relax.

The class ends with a relaxation and chanting.

We practise barefoot in comfortable clothing that allows for the full range of movement (including going upside down i.e. downward facing dog pose). Please bring a towel or your own yoga mat (hygienic reasons). For Yin Yoga classes bring some clothes who keep you warm and comfortable.
It is not advised to eat anything heavy before Yoga practice as we will be doing twists and inversions, but light snacks such as fruit, dried fruit and nuts, smoothies or yoghurt are fine.

Create a union between body, breath and mind and connet to your inner self.

Regular group classes in Sharm el Sheikh 2021 every

Classes are held outdoors keeping a 1.5 - 2 m distance between students. Students are required to bring their own mats, props and any other accessories needed during the practice. Come wearing a mask, also bring your own sanitizer.


Tribal Hatha Yoga
Tribal Ashtanga Yoga

Tribal Ashtanga Yoga
@ 11.00 at Richy Lounge Delta Sharm
@ 18.00 at Gigi`s Cafe Old Sharm

@ 17.00 at
Sinai old Spices Roisat

We offer private yoga sessions, especially adapted to your needs and interests. A private yoga session is very
appropriate if you want to start with yoga or deepen and develop your practice. The One-On-One yoga
program is designed to offer you private yoga classes specifically adapted to your needs and interests. It
invites you to become aware of repetitive and habitual patterns that cause pain and unbalance. You can
use the one-on-one program as a way to balance challenging aspects of your life, for example, career and
family, relationships, health and stress. The classes can take place at an agreed location.

 Prices and packages 


                Omkara Yoga Shala in Roisat                                         Sinai Old Spices Roisat

If you have any medical issues which you think may affect your ability to practise please consult your
usual medical practitioner and contact us before coming along. There will be time after the class for 
questions and during the class general adjustments and variations will be given to cover common
injuries and differing ability levels. Please be aware that a group class may not be suitable for those
with severe health conditions. We offer privat Yoga Therapy classes.
Private yoga classes, meditation and pranayama, yoga in the desert or at the sea can be organized
individually on request.
To book  Whatsapp or email us to