
what is a Cell Tuning Imagine being immersed in beautiful sounds that are healing to your body, mind and soul.... The sonic waves wash over you, rippling on your skin, and penetrating your pores untill they`re scrubbing your mind of the stress-worry dirt that builds up day after day. The singing bowls are positioned with care on the clothed body. The sound leads you quickly into a profound relaxation. This alows your body to find its natural balance while creating space for insights. People often find resolution for emotional issues and sence of comming home to themselves.
During a cell tuning session an atmosphere of safety and security is created, in which it is possible to let go - release stress, anxiety, worry, doubt and feelings that have a negative impact on our health. In this soothing atmosphere we can come in contact with our needs, our "inner wisdom". We experience our bodies in a comforting sense - it may take a long time for the first truth to be realized. The often circular thoughts come to rest and our soul gains the room for development. These are the key aspects of healthcare in a holistic sence. They are the basis for the design of a happy, independent and creative life.
Many decades of practical experience can be summarized in the following active features of the cell tuning therapy:
History of Himalayan Singing Bowls
- Holistic approach - addresses body, mind and spirit
- Extensive sound range with the multiple overtones, harmonic and natural acoustic sounds of singing bowls
- Basis of deep relaxation
- Strengthens the original confidence in people
- Faciliates the release
- Contributes to health promotion via harmonization, regeneration and revitalization
- Supports and improves body awareness
- Allows access to and use of own resources
- Strengthens self-confidence, creativity and motivation
- Fast achievement of deep relaxation since the sounds appeal to a persons original trust
- Gentle massage and harmonization of each individual body cell through sound
- Relief of tensions and blockages in the body
- You experience your body to be pleasantly light and vibrating freely
- Reinforcement of self-healing forces
- Positive influence on self-confidence, creativity and productive energy
- Attainment of renewed joy of life
- Letting go of old patterns - a new order can evolve
The effect of the cell tuning therapy is very complex. Even if the method at first glance appears simple, its use requires substantial knowledge about the effect of sound and self-experience to apply them individually, selectively and safely for the benefit of the client.
The emphasis is on relaxation and well-being. Inner calm, self-confidence and health are the main factors determining a person`s appearance. Cell tuning achieves well-being and beauty that comes from within. Physical blockages can be perceived consciously and the client experiences it as very agreeable and gentle.
By way of its relaxing and pain-relieving effect a cell tuning therapy can support medical treatment, for instance in cases like damages discs, abdominal, digestive and heart problems, painful joints and bad circulation, as well as many other health problems.
In this wide area of application a cell tuning session has proven to be an excellent method to relax clients deeply in a very short time. Subsequently or alternatively from within this deep relaxation, the respective therapeutic process can begin.
Cell tuning session 50 Minutes
Single Sessions and Package Options available. Find the prices on the pricelist.
fuel your soul
Book your cell tuning gherapy session at info@omkarayoga.ch
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