Yoga Teacher Advanced Retreat 29.10. - 02.11.2020
When we graduate from our yoga teacher training, we return home and begin to teach without guidance.
It is through teaching that we gain experience and confidence, but this is also when the questions start to
come up. Questions about students, the practice, our own understanding of the practice, cuing, info to
complexitities of teaching and leading classes. You might ask yourself questions like "am i doing it right"
or "do the students like it", "is everybody happy" or "how can i satisfy all of my students"?
One way to get answers is through self study and the other way is to find an experienced teacher and ask
for advice.
In India, in the yoga tradition, a student was taught untill the teacher gave them permission to teach and
then they where sent out into the world to teach. They had a deep understanding of yoga through the
teachings and also through their constant own personal practice with their teacher over a long perode.
Before you figure it out by yourselfe take this retreat to go deeper into the understanding of:
- being an autentic yogateacher
- planning classes
- different teaching styles
- business of yoga
- finding your niche
- safe teaching
- bringing yoga and business together
It takes a lifelong dedication to really learn yoga for yourself, but teaching physical yoga to normal adults is a big responsibility and requires serious discipline and training - Simon Borg Oliver
Working with an experienced teacher who will guide you to
challenge yourself and teach into your weak points as a
teacher, is invaluable. Not only the physical aspects but also the mental setup will be guided
in the direction to starting a successful and satisfying teacher career.
Ask questions and get your answers. Come with the intention to take responsibility for your future life
and with an open mind to learn and expand and widen in all directions.
Our venue is the Sinai old Spices Boutique Guesthouse
shared double rooms and one 4 bedroom are available. For those who like a privat room there is a small
early bird price untill 15.09.2020
the retreat includes 4 nights, breakfast, first and last dinner, full training, a desert trip and certificate.
space is limited to 6 person.
Transfer from Cairo or from airport can be arranged.
for prices and application form please send an email to info@omkarayoga.ch or whatsapp to +20 12 01673459
Retreat Video on FB
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